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LVL UP EXPO Sponsorship

LVL UP EXPO has partnered with Silver State Esports to offer a unique experience for high schoolers interested in esports!

Every school year, any school that is in or joins Silver State Esports by the deadline will be eligible to send their top 5 players as representatives to compete in the many esports events offered at the LVL UP EXPO.

LVL UP EXPO Sponsorship: Welcome

Program Info

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What is LVL UP EXPO?

Video Gaming Convention with Anime and Comics


LVL UP EXPO is a convention in Las Vegas, Nevada covering esports, anime, comics, and technology. Their main focus has revolved around bringing our diverse community together with one common interest in mind: celebrate what people love.

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Sponsorship Details

Each of the 5 players from each of the schools will receive the sponsorship for the entire event. The sponsorship includes the following:

  • FREE 3 Day Badge

  • FREE Entry into all Events at LVL UP EXPO

  • FREE Varsity Style Letterman Jacket designed to fit their school’s design

While these events will also be open to the public, this sponsorship will give the opportunity to any high school in Silver State Esports for a chance to compete in one of the largest gaming events on the west coast alongside over 175 other high school kids.

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In order for a club to earn the sponsorship for the LVL UP EXPO, they each must first meet the following requirements:


  • Partner your club with Silver State Esports via our Club Partnership program.

  • ​Have a representative from your club’s esports club (advisor or student) contact us and let us know they are interested and are willing to compete.

  • Promote the LVL UP EXPO and Silver State Esports to your school by using the school announcements, social media, and any other possible methods.

  • Either choose your Top 5 Players by hosting an event or another method like in game ranking systems to send as club representatives to the LVL UP EXPO. (More Info under Qualifiers Setup)

  • Fill out the proper info for each of the Club Presidents, Club Advisors, and Players when you have everything ready to go.

If you are chosen to be a sponsored player to represent your club, you are required to do the following:

  • Attend Saturday of the convention to take part in the group photo with the other sponsored kids on the mainstage of the convention.

  • Sign-up and enter the tournament for the game you're supposed to compete in on the day of your specific event.

  • Wear the letterman jacket a majority of the time when you are either walking or sitting. 

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Qualifiers Setup

To determine which players will be sent, each school must follow the guidelines listed below or else they will not be eligible for the Sponsorship:

  • Each school must set up a registration page using a tournament site like or Challonge so that the results can be documented. (If they help on setting one up, they can ask the TO’s in Silver State for assistance.)

  • The events should be organized in a way to either mimic or emulate the competitive nature of the game. (If the traditional rules cannot apply due to low entrants or lack of equipment, try your best to create the more ideal environment for the competitors.)

  • All players who compete in each school's event must be attending the school during the qualifiers and during the LVL UP EXPO. (School ID, Infinite Campus, or any other method that can be used to prove the identity of the student can and should be used.)

  • These events should NOT have an entry fee, these will be free for any student to compete. (If you hold other events with entry fees that’s fine, but the specific ones for qualifiers cannot have any fees.)

  • The qualifiers can either be held online or in person depending on what each school thinks is best. (Due to COVID-19, we will allow either event settings as a valid test of skill for the qualifiers.)

  • When selecting your team, keep in mind all 5 players must ALL be competing in the SAME game as a team. (If your school has multiple teams with different rosters spread over a couple games, then you MUST select the team who has the highest potential chance of winning.)

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While this next section isn’t required for students to follow, we urge students to use this as a further guide if they are having any issues with getting the sponsorship:

  • If you are looking for a wider pool of entrants, seek out putting up an ad on the school announcements or making a flyer to hang or pass around will work as well. 

  • Use the official Silver State Esports rules made for each game when running the qualifier events at your school to help them prepare for future competitions. 

  • Select your representatives sooner rather than later to ensure each school has enough time to submit and edit any info if needed.

    There are many other factors to take into consideration besides skill when choosing who to represent your school:

    • Individual Behavior - How they act in and out of the classroom while on the team?

    • Activity - How active they are in the club/team throughout the year?

    • GPA/ Attendance - What are their grades and attendance and would it be impacted due to esports?

    • Willingness/ Commitment - Are they willing to attend practices, scrims, and events to prepare for the LVL UP EXPO?

    • Team Synergy - How well they will work with their teammates for the duration of the year?

If you have any questions regarding the requirements, setup, or anything else related to the qualifier, please contact Davis Cowles.

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Event Info

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Esports Events

Tabletop Events

Retro Events

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Get your Badge now!

Use Promo Code SILVERSTATE for $5 Off! (Sponsored players will NOT be required to purchase a badge)


Feel free to contact the LVL UP EXPO if you have any additional questions about the event!

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Las Vegas Convention Center
South Hall
3150 Paradise Rd,
Las Vegas, NV 89109

Exhibit Hall Hours

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (VIP Only)
12:00 PM – 8:00 PM

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (VIP Only)
11:00 AM – 8:00 PM

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM (VIP Only)
11:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Panel Room Hours


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